ORC News


May 3, 2018

The Ottawa Rowing Club has the BEST volunteers! And, boy, do we need our volunteers to make this year another success. A number of special events coming up this spring and summer for the club…

May 26, 8am to 12pm, National Capital High School Regatta
The NCHSR is the ORC’s premier high school regatta. Typically held every spring the regatta is an opportunity for HS rowers from Ottawa and from visiting clubs to race on the Ottawa River. We need volunteers to support the regatta in a variety of roles.

June 2, 10am to 2pm, Doors Open Ottawa and Try Rowing Day:
Our boathouses will be open to the public for Doors Open Ottawa and we will be offering a free opportunity for the public to try rowing. We need volunteers to greet and tour the public through our boathouses and to help on the docks and on the water with those who are trying rowing for the first time.

July 1, 10am to 2pm, Celebrate Canada Day:
This is a Canada Day celebration where we offer all kinds of water sports for free on the River at the ORC boathouse. Our celebration is free and open to the public. We need a variety of volunteers to help out with the public on the grounds and in the boathouses that day and on the water and docks.

Sign up for what you can help with by clicking here.

Volunteering is a great way to connect with the ORC community, to add to the legacy of Canada’s oldest rowing club and to make the ORC the best place to be in Ottawa. THANK YOU for contributing!