
2025 Registration Open March 1, 2025


All steps must be completed prior to going on the water!

*Athletes under 18yrs must be registered by a parent or guardian.


Step One

Register with Rowing Canada Aviron (RowOntario simultaneously)

Every rower must register with Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) and Row Ontario (RO). This membership is a one time annual membership $60.84 for insurance. After registering on the RCA website, you will be automatically forwarded to the ORC (STEPTWO) registration system where payment will occur. There is no payment in STEP ONE.

Here are the detailed registration instructions:

  1. On the program page you will have a number of programs that are all affiliated with the ORC to pick from. 
  2. if you are planning to row for a HS or University in the Spring/Fall and ORC in the summer, pick the HS/Univ program. Otherwise, pick Ottawa Rowing Club program.
  3. If your school is not listed and you plan to race under its name, please contact
  4. Click on the red JOIN button.
  5. If you need to create and account it will prompt you then  Otherwise you will log into your existing account.
  6. Follow through instructions and sign all waivers to the bottom and Accept.
  7. It will appear like you will have to pay but you DO NOT pay on Rowing Canada Website. Instead, you be forwarded to the ORC Amilia System for payment which is STEP TWO.
  8. Your RCA/RO membership is pending until activated by the registrar, after program fee has been paid.
  9. Once activated you will receive an email with your RCA number.

Step Two

Register on the ORC’s online registration system: Amilia

You can go into Amilia at anytime throughout the season to check out availability of programs prior to registering. After registering for your desired ORC program you will pay the ORC program fee plus HST and the RCA/RO membership fee (STEP ONE).

Are you using Amilia for the first time?

  • From STEP ONE you should have been forwarded to the ORC Amilia Website. However, you can always go directly to the ORC Amilia system STEP TWO at any time to check program availability on instructional classes or add your name to a waiting list.
  • You will need to set up an account in Amilia when registering for the first time.
  • Create an account for yourself and each member of your family if you are registering for more than one person.
  • The Amilia account allows you to enter information about family members when it is set up — saving you from having to repeat that step with every program purchase! Keeps a history of the programs you or your family have registered in.
  • You will always have access to your invoices and receipts
  • You can update your profile information should you change your email address or if health conditions need to be updated.
  • You will be invoiced for the Program fees and the RCA/RO fee (if applicable) at the time of payment
  • After registering, All ORC memebrs are required to do the ORC Safety Training

Step Three

ORC Safety Training

  • Go to the Club Safety tab on ORC Website


Check out the other ORC tabs

  • Safe Sport
  • Athlete Resources


If you have any questions, contact

Experiencing difficulties registering? Email or call 613-241-1120. We’re here to help.

Ottawa Rowing Club Refund Policy:
After a program start date, refunds will not be issued for any unused portion.

A registrant may request a refund from the ORC only:

1. Two weeks before the published program start date. A written request for a refund must be received by the Registrar before the published program start date. All written requests must be addressed to for refund through Amilia, or include the name and address to the person to whom the refund cheque should be addressed.

A $50 administrative fee and the RCA/RO non-refundable membership fee shall be deducted from each program refund issued.

2. Due to serious injury. In the event that the registrant is unable to participate in rowing for the remainder of their registered program – as evidenced by a certificate from a medical doctor – the registrant may apply for a pro-rated refund. The pro-rated refund is applied from the date at which the written request PLUS the medical doctor’s certificate are received at

A $50 administrative fee and the RCA/RO non-refundable membership fee shall be deducted from each program refund issued.

All ORC members must familiarise themselves with and abide by the ORC rules and policy manual.