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Haven’t rowed before? We’ve got you covered with great introductory programs, amazing coaching staff and an even better community.

For adults (18+), we recommend Adult Learn to Row or Adult Rowing League. For those 12-17 years old, we recommend Discover Rowing Day Camp or Junior Development. These programs will teach you the basics of rowing, water safety, and more to set your rowing journey in motion!

From there, we recommend you check out Club Rowing, or our Competitive programs to hone your skills.

Discover Rowing Camps and Adult Learn to Row Programs
Ages: Various
No experience required
Never rowed before? These programs are for you. Learn the basics of rowing, water safety and more!

Indoor Training Membership
Ages: 16+

Indoor Training, no on water rowing.  Summer and Fall season memberships. 

Club Rowing
Ages: 18+
Beginners & experienced rowers welcome
Get your workout in or hone your skills! Perfect for those with rowing experience.

Adult Rowing League
Ages: 18+
Beginners & experienced rowers welcome
Meet with your crew for weekly practices in preparation for the race weeks!

Competitive Programs
Ages: Various
Recreational, or other club experience required
Compete against other clubs at various regattas and more committed training schedules.

All Programs

Learn to Row Programs

Ο No Experience Required – Δ Experience Required

Ο Discover Rowing Camps

Age: 12-17
Experience: No Experience Required

Rowing is not only a fun activity but also a valuable experience that can enrich your child’s life in numerous ways. Whether your child is looking for a new hobby, a way to stay active, or a chance to connect with others, our Discover Rowing Camp offers something special in the heart of the city.  We offer both Full-Day and Half-Day camps for youths ages 12-17years.

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Rowing encourages teamwork and collaboration and it’s a great way to improve fitness. Our Summer Camp takes place on the beautiful Ottawa River with fantastic views of surrounding areas – it’s like a cottage in the heart of downtown! Campers can challenge themselves to learn and improve their skills while having fun and making friends who share similar interests. The Full-Day camp is run from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm and Half-Day camp is run 8:30 – 11:30 am, except on public holidays, by experienced instructors who are qualified in first aid and CPR.

For campers who enjoy this introduction to the sport, The Ottawa Rowing Club offers opportunities to continue rowing at both recreational and competitive levels.

*must be able to swim*

Previous experience required:
No experience required, returning summer rowing camp rowers welcomed.

Age Categories: Youth (12-17 years old)

2025 Full-Day Camp Weeks (8:30 am – 3:30 pm): Go to the week (red link) of your choice to register directly our Amilia Registration portal

Week 1: July 7 – 11 Week 5: August 11 – 15
Week 2: July 14 – 18 Week 6: August 18 – 22
Week 3: July 21 – 25  
Week 4: July 28 – August 1  


2025 Half-Day Camp Weeks (8:30-11:30am): Go to the week (red link) of your choice to register directly our Amilia Registration portal

Week 1: July 7th – 11th Week 5: August 11th – 15th
Week 2: July 14th – 18th Week 6: August 18th – 22rd
Week 3: July 21nd – 25th  
Week 4: July 28th – August 1  


Full-Day One Week Camp  (8:30 am – 3:30 pm) $270.00                      
Half-Day One Week Camp  (8:30 am – 11:30 am) $150.00                     

Rowing Canada Aviron ANNUAL Fee   


Rowing Canada Aviron SHORT TERM Fee (14 consecutive days maximum)  

$64.43     (RCA $29.40, RO $35.03)


$40.70     (RCA $29.40, RO $11.30) – 14 CONSECUTIVE DAYS MAXIMUM – 

Please note: Registration is a two step process. You must sign up for an RCA account and pay the RCA & Row Ontario fee annually, which will send you to our Amilia registration portal where you can sign up for your desired program. For those with an up-to-date RCA & Row Ontario Registration, you may continue directly to step 2.

The program fee does not include Rowing Canada Aviron association fee.

Inquiries: ORC Admin –

Ο Adult Learn to Row

Age: 18+
Experience: No Experience Required

Learn the basics of rowing with a class of approximately 10 people. Learn parts of the stroke, parts of the boat, as well as water safety. Lessons take place on rowing machines, and on water.

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Lessons are 2 hours, held on 6 weekday evenings spaced over two weeks – Tuesday-Thursday-Friday-Tuesday-Thursday- Friday at 6:00pm.

You will join a class of approx. 10 participants. Instruction begins with parts of the stroke, parts of the boat, and water safety. Lessons continue on rowing machines and dockside rowing. The majority of time is on the water with the coach along side the crew in a motor boat. You learn to balance the boat and how to move it through the water as a crew.

Previous experience required:
No experience required

Age Categories: Adult (18+)

2025 Sessions:

July 8 to July 18  
July 21 to August 1  
Aug 11 to Aug 22  


Adult Learn to Row $376.00

Rowing Canada Aviron ANNUAL Fee   


Rowing Canada Aviron SHORT TERM Fee (14 consecutive days maximum)  

$64.43     (RCA $29.40, RO $35.03)


$40.70     (RCA $29.40, RO $11.30) – 14 CONSECUTIVE DAYS MAXIMUM – 

Please note: Registration is a two step process. You must sign up for an RCA account and pay the RCA & Row Ontario fee annually, which will send you to our registration portal where you can sign up for your desired program. For those with an up-to-date RCA & Row Ontario Registration, you may continue directly to step 2.

The program fee does not include Rowing Canada and RowOntario association fee.

Inquiries: ORC Admin –

Ο Special Olympics Ontario (Greater Ottawa Rowing Program)

Age Categories: 12+
Experience: No experience Required

Attention Special Olympics athletes! If you’re looking to try out a new sport, and love being on the water, then this is the program for you! We’re very excited to offer a Special Olympics Partner Program this summer at the Ottawa Rowing Club for anyone who would like to learn how to row. Individuals of all abilities aged 12 and up are welcome to join, provided they are comfortable on/around water.

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Program practices will include a combination of dry-land activities and on-water sessions, dependent on weather. Two different sessions will run throughout the summer, on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Groups will be capped at 10 participants each to ensure proper coach-to-athlete ratios on the water.

Previous experience required:
No Experience Required

Age Categories: 12+

2023 Dates & Sessions:
Season: May 22nd to late August 31
Day/Time: Mondays and Wednesdays 4:00pm – 5:30 pm


Season (May 22nd to late August)  RCA & RowOntario Fee: $64.43     (RCA $29.40, RO $35.03)


Recreational Programs

Ο No Experience Required – Δ Experience Required

Δ Club Rowing

Age: 18+
Experience: Adult Learn to Row, Adult Rowing League or past experience at the ORC or other club.

Experience rowing at the Ottawa Rowing Club. Program coaches organize the group to row together in crew boats. A great way to meet new people and get your workout too! Club rowers may participate in recreational events offered at the Head of the Madawaska and Head of the Rideau Regattas. Club Rowing was previously known as Recreational.

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Gliding on the Ottawa River, passing beneath the Parliament Buildings, in front of the Museum of History, past the Rideau Canal and the Rideau Falls, meeting the Gatineau River and going around Kettle Island are all parts of the club rowing experience at the Ottawa Rowing Club. The club program lead coaches organize the group to row together in crew boats, a great way to meet new people and get in a workout too.

Club rowers row Tuesday and Thursday evening at 6:00 pm, and Sunday morning at 8:00 am. Club rowers have the opportunity to participate in recreational events offered at the Head of the Madawaska, Head of the Rideau and Head of the Trent Regattas.

Previous experience required:
Learn to Row, Adult Rowing League or past experience at the ORC or other club.

Age Categories: Adult (18+)

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Sundays: 8:00am – 10:00am


Full Season (May 1 to Nov. 16) $977
Spring & Summer (May 1 to Aug. 24) $642
Summer Only (June 22 to Aug. 24) $450
Fall (Aug. 24 to Nov. 16) $450
Coxie (May 1 to Nov.16) RCA & Row Ontario Fees
Guest One Month Pass (Experienced Rowers) $342
RCA & Row Ontario Fee $64.43     (RCA $29.40, RO $35.03)

Please note: Registration is a two step process. You must sign up for an RCA account and pay the RCA & Row Ontario fee annually, which will send you to our registration portal where you can sign up for your desired program. For those with an up-to-date RCA & Row Ontario Registration, you may continue directly to step 2.

The program fee does not include Rowing Canada and RowOntario association fee.

Inquiries: ORC Admin –

Ο Adult Rowing League

Age: 18+
Experience: Beginner and experienced rowers.

Learn the basics of rowing. The Adult Rowing League (ARL) includes dry land, and on water lessons to teach you rowing basics including safety, terminology, and proper form. crews meet once a week on weekday evenings in May, June and July.

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Six weekly practices are held starting in May on the night of your choice (Tuesdays or Wednesdays or Thursdays at 6:00pm). Practices will be designed to get you ready for July race nights!

In July, all crews meet on Thursday evenings (6:00pm) for races – some 200 rowers! Races are 800m in length, running in front of the boathouse from Parliament Hill to the Macdonald-Cartier Bridge. An announcer calls the races, Food is available on site and the bar is open.

Previous experience required:
No experience required.

Age Categories: Adult (18+)

The ARL schedule is: 

  • Orientation Night: Thursday, May 22, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. ORC
  • ARL Practice nights: 6pm – 8:30pm
Tuesday Practice May  27 June 3, 10, 17, 24
Wednesday Practice May  28 June 4, 11, 18, 25
Thursday Practice May  29 June 5, 12, 19, 26

Inclement weather Make-Up Nights (for crews that miss practice due to inclement weather): June 24, 25, 27  

  • RACE NIGHTS  (ALL crews) 6pm – 9pm, Thursday  July 3, 10, 17, 24 


Individual Adult Rowing League  $376.00
Group of 10 (10% Discount per rower) $3380
RCA & Row Ontario Fee $64.43     (Individual – RCA $29.40, RO $35.03)                                   $644.30 (Group of 10)

Please note: Registration is a two step process. You must sign up for an RCA account and pay the RCA & Row Ontario fee annually, which will send you to our registration portal where you can sign up for your desired program. For those with an up-to-date RCA & Row Ontario Registration, you may continue directly to step 2.

The program fee does not include Rowing Canada and RowOntario association fee.

Inquiries: Jennifer Shortall-

Competitive Programs

Ο No Experience Required – Δ Experience Required

ΟΔ Junior Programs

Age Categories: U19 (14-18)
Ο Development Program: No Experience Required
Δ Crew and Performance Programs: Experience Required.


Find out more about our Junior programs in our 2025 Season outline.
New parents, supporters and athletes – refer to our Junior Rowing Handbook for all the information you need including what to bring to practice and races, rowing terms, and more.
Learn More

3 Tier Program

Development Beginners or athletes with no experience

Develop basic rowing competency on water and land and foster an enjoyable and fun environment.

2 external race opportunities for select athletes

Tryouts not required

3 session/week on water training

Attendance optional

Crew Intermediate athletes with experience

Develop skills and speed towards standards

6 external race opportunities

Tryouts for every season

4 sessions/week on water training

Mandatory attendance

Performance Experience athletes

Fine tune skills to compete at a high level in preparation for university

8+ external race and training camp opportunities

Tryouts for every season

5-6 session/week on water and dryland training

Mandatory Attendance for all practice



Practice Times:

Spring (May 1 to June 22) and Fall (Aug. 24 to Nov.16)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Performance + Crew

4:15 – 6:30pm


Performance + Crew

4:15 – 6:30pm


4:15 – 6:30pm


4:15 – 6:30pm

Performance + Crew

6:30 – 10:30 am



4:30 – 6:30 pm



4:30 – 6:30 pm


4:30 – 6:30 pm



Summer (June 22 to Aug. 24)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Performance + Crew

5:45 – 7:45 am


Performance + Crew

5:45 – 7:45 am


5:45 – 7:45 am


5:45 – 7:45 am

Performance + Crew

6:30 – 10:30 am



8:30 – 10:30 am



8:30 – 10:30 am


8:30 – 10:30 am


Age Categories: U14, U17, U19

Prices: (Subject to Change 2025)

Program Full Season Spring Only Summer Only Fall Only
Development $1 371 $450 $507 $564
Crew $1 599 $516 $583 $650
Performance $1 942 $616 $697 $778
Coxie RCA & Row Ontario Fees      
RCA & Row Ontario Fee (One time fee) $64.43     (RCA $29.40, RO $35.03) $64.43 $64.43 $64.43
Community Involvement Deposit (returned after volunteer commitments have been met) $150 (15 hrs volunteering) $50  (5 hr volunteering) $50  (5 hr volunteering) $50  (5 hr volunteering)

Please note: Registration is a two step process. You must sign up for an RCA account and pay the RCA & Row Ontario fee annually, which will send you to our registration portal where you can sign up for your desired program. For those with an up-to-date RCA & Row Ontario Registration, you may continue directly to step 2.

The program fee does not include Rowing Canada and RowOntario Association Fee or Regatta Fees. 

Regatta Fees: Both Crew and Performance Junior Competitive athletes are expected to attend all regattas during a competitive season. Regatta fees (trailering – gas, coach accommodations, coach per diem) are dependent on the total number of athletes attending as it is cost shared. Athletes will pay all regatta fees prior to going to each regatta.

  • One Day Regatta: Regatta Fees approx $20 -$40 / Entry fees are race dependent $25 – $100 / Parent carpool athletes
  • Two Day Regatta: Regatta Fees approx. $35-$65 / Entry Fees are race dependent $25-$100/ Accommodations and bus organized by club $300-400
  • Henley Week: Regatta Fees approx. $25-$50 / Entry Fees are race dependent $25-$200 / Accommodations at Brock Univ residences $400-$500 / Parents carpool athletes


U19 Jr. Women and Men: TBD
Junior Head Coach:

Δ U23 & Senior Competitive

Age Categories: U23 (19-22), Senior (23+)
Experience: Competitive, High School, University, Junior Development, or Recreational rowing. Winter Training is recommended.

Competitive rowers train a minimum of 6 days a week and are those who train to compete in 2000m and head races. Competitive rowers commit to a training program, workout sessions and regattas.  Crews and regatta entries will be determined by the coach(es) based on on-the-water performance, and erg test scores. 

Learn More

Competitive rowing practice times are confirmed by the coach(es), but are generally scheduled daily at 5:00 am and some evenings, Monday through Friday and on Saturday morning, April through November.

Previous experience required:
Competitive, High School, University, Junior Competitive Development, or Recreational rowing. Winter Training is recommended.

Age Categories: U23 (19-22), Senior (23+)

Sessions and Fees:

Full Season (May 1 to Nov.16) $1302
Spring & Summer (May 1 to Aug.24) $856
Spring Only (May 1 to June 22) $400
Summer Only (June 22 to Aug.24) $457
Fall (Aug. 24 to Nov 16) $514
Coxie (May 1 to Nov. 16) RCA & Row Ontario Fees
RCA & Row Ontario Fee $64.43     (RCA $29.40, RO $35.03)
Community Involvement Program Deposit (Returned after volunteer committment has been met)

$150 (Full season – 15 hrs)   

$50 (seasonal- 5 hours)

Please note: Registration is a two step process. You must sign up for an RCA account and pay the RCA & Row Ontario fee annually, which will send you to our registration portal where you can sign up for your desired program. For those with an up-to-date RCA & Row Ontario Registration, you may continue directly to step 2.

The program fee does not include Rowing Canada and RowOntario association fee or Regatta Fees. 

Regatta Fees: Athletes are expected to attend all regattas during a competitive season. Regatta fees (trailering – gas, coach accommodations, coach per diem) are dependent on the number of athletes attending as it is cost shared. Athletes will pay all regatta fees prior to going to each regatta.

  • One Day Regatta: Regatta Fees approx $20 -$40 / Entry fees are race dependent $25 – $100 / Transportation expense
  • Two Day Regatta: Regatta Fees approx. $35-$65 / Entry Fees are race dependent $25-$100/ Accommodations and transportation expense
  • Henley Week: Regatta Fees approx. $25-$50 / Entry Fees are race dependent $25-$200 / Accommodations and transportation expense


U23 & Sr. Women’s Coach: Zak Lewis –
U23 & Sr. Men’s Coach: Ed Fournier –

Δ Masters Competitive

Age Categories: Masters (21+)
Experience: Recreational, Competitive, or past experience at the ORC or other club.

If fitting in 6-12 workouts a week around family and work isn’t a possibility but you still want to improve your rowing skill, train in a group atmoshpere doing organized on water workouts in crew boats and compete in regattas, the masters program may be a perfect fit! The Masters rowing program allows for flexibility with training and competition. 

Learn More

Masters will be provided with a training plan for the season, adapted to the amount of days they train a week (dryland and on-the-water), their skill level and rowing experience, and competition participation for the seasonMasters can choose to compete at RowOntario Masters, Henley Masters, Head of the Madawaska, Head of the Rideau, Head of the Charles, Canadian Masters.

Previous experience required:
Recreational, Competitive, or past experience at the ORC or other club.

Age Categories: Masters (21+)


Mondays & Wednesdays: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Saturday: 8:30am – 10:30am


Full Season (May 1 to Nov. 16) $977
Spring & Summer (May 1 to Aug. 24) $714
Summer Only (June 22 to Aug. 24) $450
Fall (Aug. 24 to Nov. 16) $450
Coxie (May to November) RCA & Row Ontario Fees
RCA & Row Ontario Fee $64.43     (RCA $29.40, RO $35.03)
Community Involvement Deposit (Returned after volunteer committment has been met)

$150 (Full season – 15 hrs)

$50 (Seasonal – 5 hrs)

Please note: Registration is a two step process. You must sign up for an RCA account and pay the RCA & Row Ontario fee annually, which will send you to our registration portal where you can sign up for your desired program. For those with an up-to-date RCA & Row Ontario Registration, you may continue directly to step 2.

The program fee does not include Rowing Canada and RowOntario association fee and Regatta fees. 

Regatta Fees: Athletes are expected to attend all regattas during a competitive season. Regatta fees (trailering – gas, coach accommodations, coach per diem) are dependent on the number of athletes attending as it is cost shared. Athletes will pay all regatta fees prior to going to each regatta.

  • One Day Regatta: Regatta Fees approx $20 -$40 / Entry fees are race dependent $25 – $100 / Transportation expense
  • Two Day Regatta: Regatta Fees approx. $35-$65 / Entry Fees are race dependent $25-$100/ Accommodations and transportation expenses
  • Henley Week: Regatta Fees approx. $25-$50 / Entry Fees are race dependent $25-$200 / Accommodations and transportation expenses



ORC Head Coach: Zak Lewis – 

VP Competitive: Grayson Gray –

ΟΔ University – Novice and Varsity

Age Categories: University (No Age Limit) Experience: Various. See below.
Δ Varsity: Previous Experience Required
Ο Novice: No Experience Required.

University rowing is for registrants of Carleton University or uOttawa. The program offers an excellent opportunity to build rowing skills, while training with university peers and to access both on-water and drylands training and conditioning.

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Carleton and uOttawa Varsity Training Camps are scheduled for last week of August of each year. Novice Try-Out Camp is held during the first week of September. The fee to participate in the Novice Try-Out Camp is $150. This fee is non-refundable and will be applied to the Fall University program if continuing.

University rowing is for registrants of Carleton University or uOttawa. The program offers an excellent opportunity to build rowing skills, while training with university peers and to access both on-water and drylands training and conditioning. Participation in the fall university racing seasons, pending crew selections, includes PD Ross, Head of the Rideau, Head of the Trent, Ontario University Championships, Canadian University Championships.

Previous experience required:
Novice and Experienced rowers.

Age Categories: University (No Age Limit)

Dates: Dates and times coordinated by the Coaches of University of Ottawa or Carleton University.


University Full Fall Season (Incl. Camp – Aug 24th to Nov. 16) $514

Try Out Camp ONLY – Mandatory- (One Week)

Varsity Camp (Aug 24-Sept 2)

Novice camp (Sept 7-Sept 15)


$100 Try out fee  (if selected, $414 is still owing for the University season)

$100 Try out fee  (If selected, $414 is still owing for the University season)

Rowing Canada Aviron ANNUAL Fee   


Rowing Canada Aviron SHORT TERM Fee (14 consecutive days maximum)  

$64.43     (RCA $29.40, RO $35.03)


$40.70     (RCA $29.40, RO $11.30) – 14 CONSECUTIVE DAYS MAXIMUM – 

Community Involvement Program Deposit (Returned after volunteer commitment has been met) $50         (Fall volunteer commitment- 5 hrs)
Coxie (Aug. 24 to Nov.16) $64.43     (RCA $29.40, RO $35.03)  

Please note: Registration is a two step process. You must sign up for an RCA account and pay the RCA & Row Ontario fee annually, which will send you to our registration portal where you can sign up for your desired program. For those with an up-to-date RCA & Row Ontario Registration, you may continue directly to step 2.

The program fee does not include Rowing Canada and RowOntario association fee or Regatta fees.

Regatta Fees: Athletes are expected to attend all regattas during a competitive season. Regatta fees (trailering – gas, coach accommodations, coach per diem) are dependent on the number of athletes attending as it is cost shared. Athletes will pay all regatta fees prior to going to each regatta. Depending on your University and status, the costs may vary. Discuss this with your coaches.

  • One Day Regatta: Regatta Fees approx $20 -$40 / Entry fees are race dependent.
  • Two Day Regatta: Regatta Fees approx. $35-$65 / Entry Fees are race dependent / Athletes make accommodations and travel plans


Head Coach Carleton Ravens Rowing: Ed Fournier –
Head Coach U Ottawa Gee Gees Men’s Rowing: Meegan Crossley –

Indoor Training

Ο No Experience Required – Δ Experience Required

Ο  Indoor Training Membership

Age: 16+
Experience: All Levels

Are you the parent or guardian of an ORC rower looking to stay in shape while waiting?

An athlete who has paused their training on water? Or maybe just curious about what we do at the Ottawa Rowing Club!

Our Indoor Gym Membership is perfect for those who want to stay in shape and use our gym facilities in preparation for future on water seasons or just want to work out at the ORC!

Learn More

The ORC has over 30 ergometers (rowing machines) and basic weight training equipment.

*This membership is for GYM use only (Does not allow for on water practices) and is unsupervised. Any junior under the age of 18 must be accompanied by and adult. 

Gym Hours