ORC News

ORC Gear Swap & Pancake Breakfast – July 20!

Jul 15, 2019

Have gear to give away?
Bring any rowing related gear in good condition (not torn/worn through) and clean to the club during the next week. Drop it off in one of the boxes upstairs in the new boathouse – women, men, accessories

Looking for new gear?
Come to the old boathouse on Saturday, July 20 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Take a look through the items. Take what you want. Whatever isn’t taken by the end of the day will be given to a local organization.

Open to all members of the ORC (rowers, coaches, volunteers, parents)

Questions about the swap? Email jennshortall@hotmail.com

Also we’re looking to host another ‘operation flapjack’ that morning and to serve up a free pancake breakfast to our crews :). We’re looking for a couple of volunteers and the donation of a griddle for the morning to make it happen. If you can help or have a griddle to lend, please email coach.ryan.fazzari@gmail.com. Thank you!