ORC News

Local Athlete Fund Applications Being Accepted – Sept 15 deadline

Aug 29, 2018

Local Athlete’s Fund Application


The Local Athlete’s Fund is a new initiative with the purpose of providing financial support to ORC athletes in need who are rowing at the local club level. It has been established as a sister fund to the ORC’s existing Athlete’s Fund, which is designated to financially assist ORC athletes competing internationally. It has been established to recognize the efforts club athletes put into fundraising and volunteering, and therefore to provide an avenue for local athletes in need of financial assistance to access funds. The money for this fund will be raised through fundraising initiatives at the club.

Application & Selection

Money from the Local Athlete’s Fund will be awarded twice per year to athletes who currently row at the ORC. The recipients will be chosen based on individual financial need and circumstances, as well as level of commitment to the club as outlined in the application letter.

The application deadline is September 15, 2018, however, in extenuating circumstances the selection committee may approve funds to be released before these dates. The selection will be made by a committee comprised of the former and current Athlete’s Representatives of the ORC Executive.

Application Process

Athletes may apply by sending a letter to ottawarowingclub.secretary@gmail.com stating why they feel they are a deserving recipient of these funds. They may strengthen their application by addressing any of following criteria as they see fit:


  • How long have you rowed?
  • What are your racing goals this season?
  • Which seasons do you competitively row with the ORC? (Summer, fall)


  • What is your student status? (full/part time)
  • Do you maintain employment?
  • Do you receive any type of financial aid for schooling not including bursaries? (ex: OSAP)
  • Which monthly expenses do you pay? (Rent, vehicle expenses, tuition)
  • How do you currently pay for expenses, including rowing-related fees? (Family assistance, personal employment, etc.)
  • Any other means of financial aid you receive.
  • Any further details on financial situation and individual circumstances which merit this support.


  • Volunteer history with the club and/or community