The Ottawa Rowing Club’s very own regatta. Head of the Rideau is our annual regatta, bringing in hundreds of athletes, volunteers, friends, family and more!
Welcome to the 51st annual Head of the Rideau Regatta on September 28, 2025! You can view the Race Package and Course description below for more info on the regatta! Registration takes place in Regatta Central.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email: rowing@ottawarowingclub.com or by phone: at 613-241-1120

The course takes place on the Mooney’s Bay section of the Rideau Canal waterway between Black Rapids locks and Hogs back locks. We offer both a 5 kilometre section and a 3 kilometre section to cater to various skill levels and preferences.
We will be wet launching from the Mooney’s Bay beach area, allowing for plenty of space to launch and return to shore when finishing.
Registration is OPEN.
Volunteer Today!
HOTR would not be possible without the generous support of our members, family, & friends. If you’re interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below!