Our dock removal and club closing will take place on Saturday, November 10, beginning at 8am. This is a giant task that requires help from many. Please make yourself available that morning to contribute.
Jobs that day are assigned:
Peter Thompson, Stewart Taylor, Greg Brown, and Junior Men
- Dismantle, remove, stack docks,
- Clean up grounds,
- Move tables and chairs stored outside into old boathouse, upstairs,
- Empty blue bins and move under old and new boathouse outside stairs,
- Move and stack traffic cones under old and new boathouse outside stairs,
- Remove dock lights.
Junior Women & Andrew Thompson
- Dismantle boat repair shed,
- Bring coach boat contents and safety equipment to second floor,
- Hang safety vests on clothesline,
- Move equipment from garden shed inside at the back of old boathouse,
Paul Hawksworth and University Men and Women
- Move boats inside
- Derig all boats stored outside,
- Derig 3 8+s on top racks inside,
- Derig all 4x & 4+ stored inside,
- Move outside 2x & 1x upstairs,
- Double rack all 4+, 4x,
- Double rack 8+s on top racks
- Derig all indoor 1x
- Bring all riggers upstairs
- Storage in boathouse bays
Melissa McKenzie
- Oversee packing up office
- Equipment inventory
- Boats,
- Riggers,
- Blades,
- Safety kits,
- Suits & life jackets,
- Boat ladders,
- Check safety boat lights working,
- Count batteries and chargers, etc
- Clean out change room lockers in both boathouses
- Sort lost and found
- Office cleanup
Please remember:
- Bring warm clothes and your work gloves
- Bring water
- There will be no parking in the lower parking lot