Our dock removal and club closing will take place this Saturday, November 9, beginning at 8am. This is a giant task that requires help from many. Please make yourself available that morning to contribute.
We would also like to start de-rigging boats and dismantling outdoor racks on Friday, November 8 beginning at 4pm and could use help that afternoon too.
Please plan to lend a hand on the November 8 and 9th at the club. Dress warm (it will be cold), bring water, bring work gloves, bring wrenches for derigging. There will be no parking in the lower lot on November 9.
Jobs on November 9th are assigned:
Peter Thompson, Stewart Taylor, Greg Brown, and Junior Men
- Dismantle, remove, stack docks,
- Clean up grounds,
- Move tables and chairs stored outside into old boathouse, upstairs,
- Empty blue bins and move under old and new boathouse outside stairs,
- Move and stack traffic cones under old and new boathouse outside stairs,
- Remove dock lights.
Junior Women & Andrew Thompson
- Bring coach boat contents and safety equipment to second floor,
- Hang safety vests on clothesline,
- Move equipment from garden shed inside at the back of old boathouse,
University Men and Women
- Move boats inside
- Derig all remaining boats,
- Derig 3 8+s on top racks inside,
- Derig all 4x & 4+ stored inside,
- Move outside 2x & 1x upstairs,
- Double rack all 4+, 4x,
- Double rack 8+s on top racks
- Derig all indoor 1x
- Bring all riggers upstairs
- Storage in boathouse bays
Melissa McKenzie
- Oversee packing up office
- Equipment inventory
- Boats,
- Riggers,
- Blades,
- Safety kits,
- Suits & life jackets,
- Boat ladders,
- Check safety boat lights working,
- Count batteries and chargers, etc
- Clean out change room lockers in both boathouses
- Sort lost and found
- Office cleanup
Please remember:
- Bring warm clothes and your work gloves
- Bring water
- There will be no parking in the lower parking lot
- Bring wrenches