ORC News

Congratulations to our President Award Winners!

Nov 19, 2018

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the President’s Banquet this past Saturday!  It was a packed evening filled with inspiration, laughs, good food, amazing company and it closed out another successful year at the ORC.

We listened to Olympian Jeremiah Brown who recounted his inspiring journey from investment banker to Olympic silver medallist in four years.  What a way to get motivated for that winter training!  If you missed Jeremiah’s talk or want to read his story, pick up his book ‘The 4 Year Olympian’ by clicking here.

The list of President Award winners can be found here.

We also unveiled boat names for newly added rowing shells to our fleet:

Lightweight 2x: Greg Brown
Midweight 2x/-: Jenn Shortall
Heavyweight 2x/-: Per Angusta ad Augusta
Heavyweight 4-: Chris & Anne Waddell
Gleddie 8+: Mike Walker
UCC 8+: Lana & Peter Burpee
Nolte 8+: Jolly Roger
Leisure X 8+: OrC Transpo
Triple X 8+: Sunday Morning

Big thanks and shout out to volunteers Roberta Gal (our photographer), Melanie Coulson (our MC for the evening), to our boat naming committee who came up the awesome names for our boats and to Ryan Fazzari who produced another fantastic year end video!  You can watch the year end video here and find photos from the evening here.

Next up: winter training!  Medals are won in the winter and we’re excited to head into 2019 with fire in our bellies and fat erg scores in our future.