ORC News

Club closing thanks and winter training

Nov 6, 2016

Thanks to everyone who helped out yesterday in closing the club for the season and getting the docks out of the water!

The erg room is set up at our winter training location at the Taggart Family YMCA (180 Argyle Ave) for 2016/17 winter ORC member training.

You can find all details about the six-month ORC YMCA pass on the ORC website: http://ottawarowingclub.com/2016/10/06/orc-winter-training-2016-17/.

The ORC YMCA pass is from November 1 until April 30, 2017. The price for the six-month pass is $250 plus HST ($282.50).

Head into the Taggart Family Y to sign up for your pass and start winter training!