Two gold medals for Glebe Collegiate at CSSRAs

Rowers from Glebe Collegiate brought two gold medals back to Ottawa from this weekend’s Canadian Secondary School Rowing Association national championship regatta.

Gillian Cross and Hayley Watt took a three second victory over a crew from Saint Michael Secondary School in Niagara Falls in the 2000 m senior women’s double final on the Royal Canadian Henley course. Earlier Sunday morning, Cross and Watt  had joined Maggie Hemphill and Katie Clarke to win the senior women’s quad final by five seconds from a crew from Conestoga High School in Berwyn Pennsylvania..

The only other Ottawa crew in a final on Sunday was the Elmwood senior lightweight women’s double of Laura Morrison and Emily Bangsboll who finished fifth in a race won by E.L. Crossley Secondary School from St Catharines.

Congratulations to all Ottawa high school rowers who competed at this year’s CSSRAs and thanks to all their coaches who prepared them for the weekend of racing in St Catharines.

You can find all the CSSRA results here.

Keep eyes and ears open for stolen Kaspcher single

Keep eyes and ears open for stolen Kaspcher single

This past weekend an ORC member had her single stolen from the ONEC Boathouse.  The boat is a 2014 Kaschper Raven light-mid weight 1x with the serial number ZKQ04093H014.  We are asking those in the ORC community to please keep your eyes and ears open and let the ORC office know should anyone attempt to sell you a boat matching its description or if you see such a boat on the water or otherwise.

This serves as a reminder that all of us in the ORC community must remain vigilant when around the ORC boathouses and ensure personal equipment is secured. 

stolen boat 2 (1) stolen boat 1 (1)

Keep eyes and ears open for stolen Kaspcher single

Thank you to our Adult Rowing League volunteers and sponsors!

Our Adult Rowing League sold out again this year and we’re so excited for another amazing season of new crews and exciting racing come July!

Our ARL isn’t possible without our amazing team of volunteers from our VP Recreational, Jennifer Shortall, who organizes every detail and makes it run so smoothly, to our volunteer crew coaches who share their love and joy of rowing with their crews to our officials who make ARL July race nights safe and fun for everyone.   

ARL is also a huge success thanks to our sponsors.  We are eternally grateful to all of our ARL sponsors and partners.  Sponsor contributions to the ORC support the purchase of essential rowing equipment that carry people like you, and the at-risk or disadvantaged youth discovering the power of sport through rowing and the athlete that trains hours a day with dreams of rowing for Canada.  We want to give huge thanks and acknowledgement to our ARL sponsors: Commissionaires Security, Kodiak Security, Thyme and Again Catering, Orleans Boat World & Sports, Fendock, Halpenny Insurance and Oscapella & Associates.

 Orleans Boat WorldCommissionaires Halpenny-LogoFendock  Thyme & AgainKodiak

ORC launches local athlete fund – May 1 and September 1 application deadlines


The Local Athlete’s Fund is a new initiative with the purpose of providing financial support to ORC athletes in need who are rowing at the local club level. It has been established as a sister fund to the ORC’s existing Athlete’s Fund, which is designated to financially assist ORC athletes competing internationally. It has been established to recognize the efforts club athletes put into fundraising and volunteering, and therefore to provide an avenue for local athletes in need of financial assistance to access funds. The money for this fund will be raised through fundraising initiatives at the club. 

Application and Selection

Money from the Local Athlete’s Fund will be awarded twice per year to athletes who currently row at the ORC. The recipients will be chosen based on individual financial need and circumstances, as well as level of commitment to the club as outlined in the application letter. 

The application deadlines are May 1 and September 1, however, in extenuating circumstances the selection committee may approve funds to be released before these dates. The selection will be made by a committee comprised of the former and current Athlete’s Representatives of the ORC Executive.

Application Process

Athletes may apply by sending a letter to stating why they feel they are a deserving recipient of these funds. They may strengthen their application by addressing any of following criteria as they see fit: 


  • How long have you rowed?
  • What are your racing goals this season?
  • Which seasons do you competitively row with the ORC? (Summer, fall) 


  • What is your student status? (full/part time) 
  • Do you maintain employment?
  • Do you receive any type of financial aid for schooling not including bursaries? (ex: OSAP)
  • Which monthly expenses do you pay? (Rent, vehicle expenses, tuition)
  • How do you currently pay for expenses, including rowing-related fees? (Family assistance, personal employment, etc.) 
  • Any other means of financial aid you receive.
  • Any further details on financial situation and individual circumstances which merit this support.


  • Volunteer history with the club and/or community  
Keep eyes and ears open for stolen Kaspcher single

Ottawa Rowing Club launches Water to Gold


WaterToGold invites you to accomplish an athletic feat no Ottawa teenager ever has done — to win the Junior Men and Women’s 8+ races at the Royal Canadian Henley Regatta in St. Catharines.

Canadian Henley is one of the world’s premiere athletic events – a full week of speed that has been attracting the best rowers from all of North America for 134 years.

To achieve the gold with us, you will be mentored, you will be challenged, and you will make friendships that will last a lifetime.

Join our team today and we will show you how.

Visit to sign up and for more details.